Sunday, April 2, 2017

What is Baby H...?

These last couple of weeks have been a little crazy. Working 40 hours a week and growing a baby is hard! Baby H has been moving around a little and we cannot wait to meet.

Last Monday we got to see Baby H, we also got to learn if Baby H is a boy or a girl. Well...

We are so excited for our little girl.

 Last week was full of happiness, but also a little scary. On Wednesday evening I was out with my mom and we were just window shopping for Baby H. I started to have a very familiar pain in my lower right side. I knew right away that the pain was the same I had felt in the past. I mentioned not too long ago about a surgery I had last June. I had my right Fallopian tube removed. Before having that surgery I would have a sharp stabbing pain in my lower right side, the same pain as Wednesday. Miles and I spent that evening in the ER making sure everything was okay. Baby H was perfectly fine all night, thankfully. I wasn't feeling too hot but she was perfect! We go back on Wednesday to see the doctor again.

We have to go back to have our anatomy scan done again. Baby H didn't want to cooperate for our ultrasound on Monday. The only thing she was up for was letting us know she was a girl. We were completely okay with that. 

I think I'll do a few weeks together unless something really important happens! 

Xx Jordan 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Big new change!

We have a big change coming! 

In August we will become a family of 3! We don't know if we are having a boy or a girl yet but we are so excited to find out. 

Today marks 17 weeks we have 2 more weeks until we find out if baby Hillam is a boy or girl. I got super lucky and never really had any morning sickness or things like that. I think I've been spoiled by baby Hillam so far, it kind of scares me to see what will happen next. We have names picked out already but those are staying a secret for now. 

I'm thinking of writing a post (and maybe doing a video shhhhh don't say anything) about names we love but won't be using this time. 

Baby Hillam is the size of a turnip this week and their skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to hard bone! Baby H weighs 5 whole ounces now and is approximately 5 inches long from head to bottom! Baby H can even move their joints and even has sweat gland now! That's a lot of new things happening!! Baby H can hear us talk and I'm starting to feel some movement. It's a pretty weird feeling but it's also awesome!!

We got to hear Baby H's heartbeat yesterday and it's going strong! Way to go baby H! 

Mommy and Daddy are very excited to know what we can call you baby H! We also love you so very much! 
Xx Mommy

I'm going to try and make a post for you each week just to let you know how everything is going! 

Xx Jordan

Thursday, January 12, 2017

A strange turn of events

Recently I've been looking back at pictures of myself. It's a pretty normal thing to do. Some people do it to remember the memories attached to those photos. While others look back to see how they've changed. There's been a lot of talk lately around the world about "Healthy is the new skinny" which is an amazing stance on the media. Sadly it doesn't reach everyone. While looking back I've had people tell me "Oh wow you've lost so much weight you look so much better!" Or "I don't know how I ever would let myself get that big! How did that happen?!" Even with organizations like Healthy is the New Skinny people still get wrapped up in how you look. Instead of being told "You look so much healthier now!" or "You seem happier now!" People resort to how much smaller I am now. Granted I'm not a small person nor will I ever be but I never want the number on the scale to dictate how I'm treated.

When I was 17, my senior year of high school I had to pick between playing volleyball or doing track. I picked track meaning that I wouldn't have the other sport during the summer and fall to keep me in shape. I got up to about 310 lbs.  that is the biggest I've ever been. I was in so much pain and I didn't know how to handle it all. Now I stay st a pretty constant 270, which is still a pretty big number (I can't believe I'm telling the Internet that). I'm a big person. The only part that is better now is that I don't care if people think I'm fat. I kinda am, but look at the difference 5 years and some more self acceptance  has given me.   That's a big difference boys and girls. Big!!

Just remember next time you give someone a compliment not everything revolves around weight. It's about being happy and healthy in our own skin.

Jordan XX